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Intenational Students

Australia is a paradise for international students. You can study in world class colleges and universities offering reputable degrees at relatively low tuition fees than USA. The medium of teaching is English and the other considerable factors include high living standard, excellent transport system and diverse culture. Australia has a number of universities with better reputation and international recognition that can surely make a considerable difference to your career and provide you the opportunity to improve your skills. About 700,000 international students from more than 200 countries studying in Australiais testimony that it is a friendly place for international students.



Student Envirnoment


Australia offers a dynamic learning environment. International students experience a unique kind of education - a learning style that encourages innovative, creative, independent thinking. You will solve problems, interact with other people, and develop oral and written communication skills that will prepare you for the future. International students gain skills in Australia that help them to launch their careers and set them apart in the eyes of employers. 

Australia's education institutions offer a stimulating environment for students from around the world to gain valuable skills, experiences and qualifications. The end of year international student enrolment data 2009 reflects that 631,935 international students were enrolled in Australian institutions from some 217 different nationalities.This rich diversity of nationalities ensures that you will make lifelong friends with students from around the world as well as from Australia. 

Click here to see the complete data on international students in Australia.

What & Where to Study in Australia


You can study a vast range of courses in Australia including; Engineering, Architecture and Civil, Accounting, Business, Management, Law, Information Technolog, Health Programs, Science, Arts & Education, Travel & Tourism, Hotel Management, Research Programs etc.

In Australia there are 39 universities, 6 of which are among the best 100 in the world (Source: Times Higher Education, London UK).University in Australia offers high quality courses at any education level: Undergraduate degree, Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate, Master or Doctor. Although Australian universities cannot boast the historical tradition of European universities, they are very progressive and have world class facilities.
However mostly vocantional & and diploma/certificate level courses are delivered in private colleges and TAFE (Technical and Further Education) institutes  Vocational courses are called Vocational Education Training (VET) in Australia.  It links the information in the textbooks with practical knowledge. 


Recognition & Quality of Education


The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is a quality assured national framework of qualifications in the school, vocational education and training (VET), and higher education sectors in Australia.The AQF is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training. It incorporates the qualifications from each education and training sector into a single comprehensive national qualifications framework. Click here to see their details.


The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the national regulator for Australia’s vocational education and training sector. ASQA regulates courses and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met.
The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) is Australia’s regulatory and quality agency for higher education. TEQSA’s primary aim is to ensure that students receive a high quality education at any Australian higher education provider.

Under such supervision, the quality of education is bound to be very high.


Cost of Study for Int. Students


The costs of studying in Australia depend on the institution and the level of study you choose.

As an international student, your tuition fees are payable before you study. 

The list below gives you an indication of the range of course costs for different types of qualifications.

  • School - $7,800 to $30,000

  • English language studies - Around $300 per week depending on course length

  • Vocational Education and Training (Certificates I to IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma) - $4,000 to $22,000

  • Undergraduate Bachelor Degree - $15,000 to $33,000*

  • Postgraduate Masters Degree - $20,000 to $37,000*

  • Doctoral Degree - $14,000 to $37,000*

Cost of Living for Int. Students


Hostels and Guesthouses - $80 to $135 per week

Shared Rental - $70 to $250 per week

On campus - $80 to $250 per week

Homestay - $110 to $270 per week

Rental - $100 to $400 per week

Boarding schools - $10,000 to $20,000 a year


Other living expenses

Groceries and eating out - $80 to $200 per week

Gas, electricity - $60 to $100 per week

Phone and Internet - $20 to $50 per week

Public transport - $10 to $50 per week

Car (after purchase) - $150 to $250 per week

Entertainment - $50 to $100 per week


NOTE: These figures are given by Aus. Govt. and the actual cost can much less than this!

Student Accommodation

The costs will vary depending on your chosen state, city, and type of accommodation.


Short-term accommodation; These options you might want to consider when you first arrive in Australia include: Hostels and discounted rates on hotels and temporary housing.

Rental: You can rent or 'lease' a property by yourself or with friends. This can be done through a real estate agent or privately. When renting a property you will need to pay a security deposit or 'bond' (which is usually four weeks rent), as well as rent in advance (also usually four weeks).

On Campus: Campus living can be a great option to minimise travel. Most universities have comfortable and furnished apartment-style living on campus or close by, sometimes with cleaning and meals included. 

Homestay: With homestay, you will live with a family in their home. Homestay can be a good option for younger students as you will have all the comforts of an established home, often with meals and cleaning included. 


Student Support Services


Consumer Protection; Australian has a strong consumer protection framework to protect the rights of Australian consumers, including int. students in Australia.
The Overseas Students Ombudsman; (OSO) investigates complaints about problems that overseas students have with private education and training institutions in Australia.
The Tuition Protection Service; (TPS) is an initiative of the Australian Government to assist you if your institution (referred to as 'Education Provider' under the TPS) is unable to fully deliver your course of study. 
Institution support services; Student support forms a large part of Australia’s education system. Institutions provide specialist services to help international students adjust to life and study in Australia, and to achieve their goals.
Student associations; Australia has a number of student associations representing and assisting students from Australian institutions. 
Disability support; Australia has laws that protect individuals from discrimination in many areas of public life, including education. A person with a disability has just as much right to study as any other student. 

How to Apply for Admission


To study in Australia you'll need to apply for both admission to an institution and also for a student visa from the Australian Government.


There are a number of steps you must go through including:

  1. Deciding on your preferred course and institution.

  2. Submitting your application to the institution.

  3. Receiving and accepting a Letter of Offer.

  4. Receiving your electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE).

  5. Applying for your student visa.

  6. Getting PVA.

  7. Paying the Tuition fee.


If you do not have in deapth knowledge of the whole process, it can prove to be very tricky for you. You can use our services to apply for admission.

Admission Requirements



English language - Entry requirements vary between institutions, and according to the level of the course you want to study. IELTS bands from 5.0 to 7.5 may be required.

Vocational education and training - In most cases there are no entrance exams for VET institutions. However, some courses may have specific pre-requisite subjects or work experience requirements.

Higher Education Undergraduate - To gain entry into an Australian undergraduate course you will need to have an Australian Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (Year 12), or the overseas equivalent. Some undergraduate courses may also have specific pre-requisite subjects.

Higher Education Postgraduate - As well as the satisfactory completion of at least one degree at undergraduate level (4-years), your institution may take research ability or relevant work experience into consideration.

When to Apply for Admission


Getting admission in an Australian university can be time-consuming job. It is NOT as easy as applying online.


In most of the universities courses start in August/September each year, though for some courses they have February intake as well.

Both, TAFE and private colleges have Feb. & Aug. intakes. Some private colleges have four intakes in a year. English courses start throughout the year.


From applying for admission to getting the visa its is 4 - 5 months process. To be on safe side, you should apply at least 5 months prior to your course commencement date. The university students should apply 6 - 7 months before the course start date.


However, for private colleges the admission process can be much shorter.

Student Visa for Australia


The student visa you need depends on your chosen course of study. As a guide, the typical key requirements you will need to meet are:


  1. Issued an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) certificate.

  2. Meet the Genuine Temporary Entrant requirement. 

  3. Sufficient funds for airfares, course fees and living costs.

  4. English language proficiency.

  5. Meet health and character requirements.

  6. Acceptable Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).


The whole visa process can take upto 10 weeks on average, after getting admission in an institute in Australia.

Please visit our page "Visa" on this website for all the details on Australian Student Visa.


Student Jobs


Working while you study in Australia can help complement your study and living experience. There are a number of reasons you might want to undertake part time work while studying in Australia, including assisting with living expenses and gaining work experience in your study area.

Most student visas (not all) allow you to work for up to 40 hours every two weeks while your course is in session, and unrestricted hours during any scheduled course break, but before you undertake any paid work you need to make sure your visa allows you to work (there different types of student visas).

Australia has a wide range of industries and many have part time employment opportunities in any of the following popular industries: Retail - supermarkets, department and clothing stores, Hospitality - cafes, bars and restaurants,Tourism - hotels and motels, Agricultural - farming and fruit-picking, Sales and telemarketing, Administration or Clerical roles, Tutoring etc.



Port Study Work for Int. Students 


After your graduation, you have several options available to you whether you stay in Australia or head home. You may be able to continue your studies in Australia to pursue a higher level qualification or another field of study, you may be eligible to undertake post study work to put your newly gained knowledge to use and gain work experience in Australia, or you may choose to go home to undertake further study or work there.

New post-study work arrangements were introduced from 23 March 2013. These arrangements operate as a new Post-Study Work stream of the Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa.


Graduates of an Australian Bachelor degree, Masters by coursework degree, Masters (extended) degree, Masters by research degree or Doctoral degree have access to the new post-study work arrangements, provided they meet the other eligibility requirements of this visa

Bringing Family Members 


A member of the family unit is your partner (spouse or de facto) 
or a dependent child of you or your partner who is not married, 
not in a de facto relationship and who has not turned 18. 

Members of your family unit may apply for a student (Subclass 
570–576) visa to live with you in Australia as your family unit 
members. They can apply at the same time as you, or after you 
have arrived in Australia.


However, your family members cannot be granted a student visa if your application is subject to Assessment Level 3, 4 or 5 and your proposed course of study is 12 months or less in duration.

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